Who am I to improve on James Beard's Sourdough bread recipe? Well I just used my existing sourdough starter instead of making a new one as he suggests and omitted the poppy seeds.
Sourdough Rye Bread (Adapted from
Beard on Bread)
1 pkg of yeast (2 1/4t)
1/4 c water
3 T sugar
1 c sourdough starter
4 c flour
2 c rye flour
2 T butter, melted
11/2 T caraway seeds
1 egg, beaten
Dissolve sugar and yeast in warm water. Set aside for about 10 minutes. In a bowl add starter, 2 c flour, butter, and caraway seeds. Add yeast and add rye flour. Add additional flour as needed. The dough will be stiff. Knead until dough is smooth (it will be a little sticky). Place in greased bowl and cover. Let rise until doubled - about 2 hours.
Post-Rise |
Pre-Rise |
Punch down and divide dough in half. Shape into rounds and place on greased (or silpat) sheet pan. Cover and let rise again about 1 hour. Slash tops and brush with beaten egg. Bake in 375 for 30 minutes or until browned and hollow sound when hit on bottom.
Pre 2nd Rise |
Who's hiding under there? |
Ready for the oven | |
Bad Side |
Good Side |
James suggests covering the breads with a towel while they cool so the crust doesn't get hard. I like the crust crusty so I didn't cover them. He also adds 1 1/2 t of poppy seeds. They just get stuck in your teeth.
It's that good side/bad side thing. I had a bit of a blow out on the side - I don't think I slashed the dough deep enough? But they had an excellent flavor. It will go well with the
Potato Broccoli soup from the other day.
Nice Crumb |
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